Thursday, 19 July 2012

How Helpful Is EMR For Your Practice?

 An EMR, or electronic medical record, is a medical record for a patient in a digital format that is stored on a computer or in a computer server.  This medical information is accessible via computers on a network, to provide health care and health-related services.

EHRs contain information regarding the past, present, or future physical and mental health of a patient, medical test reports, medical images, financial and demographic information. In addition, the ordering of medical tests, medications, treatments, and clinical guidelines are accessible within the EHR. The data contained in HER can be captured or transmitted securely and in real-time by users at the point of care. The three core functions of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) are the following:

EMR may be helpful for your practice in many ways:

1. Elimination of Paper

2. Increased Revenues and Faster Accounts Receivable Cycle

3. The Safety of Patients

4. E-Prescription

5. Improved Reimbursements and Reduced Insurance Premiums

Accuracy of certified EMR and certified EHR programs is so trusted that many malpractice insurance companies are now offering discounts to doctors who use full software systems. In addition, practice management software can also greatly improve your reimbursement rates as they will ensure your office claims are compliant with insurance company drug formularies and other policies.

These are just a few reasons why EMR software can save you money-even in times of economic recession!


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